Complimentary Servicing with a New X5.
We have been working with Berry BMW & MINI for a while now, helping the authorised BMW retailer to reach their target customers in and around West Drayton (Heathrow), Chiswick, Thames Ditton, Cobham and Croydon, through paid search.
Recently our team supported the retailer of new and approved used BMWs to help advertise its flagship SUV the X5 and a complementary service pack, which was available to all customers who ordered through any of Berry’s dealerships.
To achieve our key objective – of promoting the offer and driving traffic to Berry BMW & MINI’s website – we created a direct digital marketing approach.
Our approach consisted of a series of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign strands targeting high purchase intent consumers & customers in the postcode areas surrounding the dealerships of Chiswick, Croydon, Cobham, Thames Ditton and Heathrow.
This strategy has delivered a high-impact campaign to date!